Embrace Your Routines

Picture a typical day in the life of a successful softball player. It's not just about those game-winning plays or outstanding performances on the field. Behind the scenes, there's a well-kept secret – routines.

The Routine Revolution

Routines aren't just about going through the motions. They in fact, are NOT about just picking a routine and going through the motion to check off the box that you did a routine. They're a deliberate series of intentional actions that set the stage for success. It's a concept deeply embedded in sports and for good reason. In softball, as in life, routines provide structure, consistency, and a pathway to excellence. 

I used to underestimate the importance of routines, thinking they were boring and robotic. Little did I know that they would be my game-changer. 

The Morning Ritual

My journey with routines began with a morning ritual. Instead of the chaotic scramble of waking up late, rushing through breakfast, and dashing out the door, I designed a morning routine that brought calm and intention to my day. I realized that how I start my morning would set up the rest of my day. I wanted to feel good when I woke up.

Every morning, I'd wake up at around the same time on the first alarm, eat a nutritious breakfast, and engage in a brief mindfulness exercise. This routine centered me, reduced anxiety, and allowed me to approach each day with a clear mind.

The Pre-Game Blueprint

For softball players, pre-game jitters are a real thing. But routines offer a solution. I adopted a pre-game routine that became my blueprint for success. It involved a series of steps: visualization, stretching, and focusing exercises. Each action was carefully designed to put me in the right mental state.

Visualization was a game-changer. I'd close my eyes and vividly imagine every pitch, every swing, every play. It was as if I'd already succeeded in my mind, and this mental rehearsal translated into confidence and composure on the field.

Everyone is different. Some like to listen to their music, get pumped up with their teammates, and some like to be calm and relaxed. Find what works for you.  

The Post-Game Reflection

As vital as routines are in preparation, they're equally important for recovery and growth. After each game, win or lose, I had a post-game routine. It involved a journaling session where I'd reflect on my performance, my wins, and my areas of improvement.

This reflection wasn't about dwelling on mistakes; it was about learning. What could I do better next time? What did I excel at? This routine transformed every game into a stepping stone towards improvement.

Action Plan:

Routines are more than just a series of actions; they're a mindset. They provide a sense of control and consistency in a chaotic world. Routines help us build habits, strengthen discipline, and boost confidence.

Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting, routines can be your secret weapon too. Design routines that suit your needs, from pre-game routines to post-game reflections. Embrace the power of consistency and structure.

In the world of softball, routines are the unspoken heroes behind every home run, every strikeout, and every game-changing play. So, as you step onto the field, remember that routines are your friends, guiding you towards success, one intentional step at a time.


Preparing for High Pressure Moments