How To Define Your Own Success

Softball is a game of failure right, that means we fail a lot more than we succeed. We say that a .400 average is really good, which means you’re successful 40% of the time. It means failing 6 out of 10 times. Let’s be honest. looking at that can mess with your mind, it can be frustrating. But let’s dive deeper in that.

What about the hits that are really hard line drives that go right to the outfielder, or the deep fly balls that score a runner, or the hits where you get out, but you moved a runner into scoring position. Those are technically “failures” in the stat book, but we need to stop looking at that.

We need to define our own success as hitters. We cannot control those hard line drives going right to outfielders. But we can look at that and be like “I hit the ball hard”. We can ask ourselves “Was I on time for that pitch” “Was it a good pitch to hit” Despite the outcome, if we can say yes to those three questions, that should be a win in your book, and to just keep working that process and the results will come eventually. If you say you are working on the process, then you better be putting your words into actions.

So what does a quality at bat look like to you? That’s your process you should be focused on.

This is something that I love to work with athletes on, so if this is something that you or your athlete want to work on, contact me! I would love to hear how you define success and lets talk about it, and come up with an action plan.


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